"Behold, the great American Mega-Mart. At no time in human history have so many edibles been available to the general population. But did you know that the average American shopper has a list of fewer than a hundred items from which he or she rarely deviates. To put that into perspective, consider the fact that this store has that many different kinds of canned soup.
Why is this? Well, I think we’ve lost our sense of curiosity, of wonder. We’re so busy focusing on our shopping list, that we don’t allow ourselves to discover new ingredients. And that is a crying culinary shame. Because as you run your usual circuit from cereal to sour cream, you may be walking right past something that could change your culinary life.
The cure? Just stop. Stop. Step away from the cart. Look around. Look for something that you’ve never seen before, that you’ve never tasted or used before."
Alton Brown was speaking of course of wonton skins, as this is the beginning to his episode titled "Wonton Ways." In this case of AB's wonton skins they in fact ended up being Good Eats... I, however, ended up with purple stuff. In general I do try to keep my eye out for something new and different but sadly it is hit or miss and I believe that is why most people just stick to their "list." The good news is my guinea pigs seem to love this "purple lettuce" so that it is not going to waste. I don't think the lettuce was bad, per-say, however I just didn't like it. By all means if you want to buy some purple stuff and try it, don't let me stop you...
---Dare to Cook---
At least it was pretty. |